Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sarus Crane

Keoladeo National Park
Bharatpur (Rajasthan), India


Lowell said...

It's a new kind of crane to me, but very nice. Do you think we get the phrase "crane one's neck to see" from the bird or did the bird get it's name from people craning their neck like the bird would do to see over the grass?

Kinda like which came first, the chicken or the egg. The egg, obviously. :-)

Stickup Artist said...

My favorite birds! I read that in some eastern countries they are spiritually revered. I can see why. You are so fortunate to have captured a pair.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

superb birds!

eden said...

Beautiful birds. My first time to see those kind. thank you for sharing.

Joan Elizabeth said...

I was going to comment that we have a similar bird called the Brolga here in Australia but cross checking I discover that the Sarus Crane is also here but more rare. I've not seen either of them and would love to do so. Brolgas are famous for this intricate mating dance perhaps these do it too as they are very similar birds.

Francisca said...

A red-headed crane... how different! I'd crane my head to see them :-D.... Cranes are very popular in Asia, you can see them in a lot of Chinese art, but they are not like these ones.